How Adam Smith International saves hours every week

How Honest "cleared the fog" of mobile for the aid company transforming lives.

Wed Oct 16 2024

Key benefits

Adam Smith International (ASI) are on a mission to transform lives, stabilise societies and make governments more effective. So when it came to switching mobile networks, Honest’s B Corp certification stood out.

“We wanted a network that met our standards as a company,” says Adrian Hollister, Director of IT and Cyber Security.

A simple switch

At the time, ASI was already with three mobile networks in the UK, all of which were “unbelievably complicated”. Meanwhile, Adrian’s role overseeing IT and Cyber Security globally meant managing work phones was just “one of a million things” already on his plate. 

So switching the team’s work phones to a single mobile network that would keep things simple was crucial.

After reaching out to Honest and hearing back right away, it was the “simplicity of the model” that Adrian found most compelling. 

“There are other options out there, but they’re not a B Corp and they’re not as simple” says Adrian. “Honest clears the fog of mobile phones. The support, the contract terms… Everything is completely different from the big networks.”

Even Adrian’s initial concern about Honest piggybacking on Three was soon laid to rest, with signal available even while working from home “in the middle of nowhere”. 

Keeping Adam Smith International mobile

Part of Honest’s simplicity includes flexible 30-day rolling contracts - a “big plus” for its team of highly mobile aid workers, “In the past, networks have locked us in old-school contracts for years with terrible data rates” says Adrian. “That’s really caused problems.”

Such problems included expensive and unexpected costs when ASI’s employees travelled internationally for work. 

“We had situations where employees would return from trips abroad having racked up thousands of pounds in bills that wouldn’t hit until a month later,” says Adrian. 

Now, Adrian and the team can easily manage roaming costs and data allowances in the Honest hub, making it straightforward to keep employees connected without spiralling costs.

Saving hours every week

Before Honest, Adrian and his team would lose hours every week on “painful mobile issues” that would consume “huge amounts of time for everyone involved”. This often included answering questions about work phones or urgently helping employees who had reached their abroad destination only to find out they had no data. 

Not anymore. 

With Honest’s self-serve hub, ASI employees can manage their SIM plans in just a few clicks. And on the few occasions ASI has had an issue, Honest has been quick to resolve it. 

“The value of Honest fixing problems so quickly and efficiently can’t be underestimated,” says Adrian.

More than a year on since switching ASI to Honest, Adrian still appreciates its positive impact. 

“Managing mobile networks used to be the bane of my life” he says. “Honest has completely changed that.”

Learn how switching to Honest could save you hours every week at

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